Thank You!

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors over the last decade, we were able to purchase and customize the commercial condo that we currently occupy.

But work is ongoing! We are still putting finishing touches and decorating the space. We would eventually also like the capability of broadcasting games online, and to complete our unique pairing software and integrating it with our website. These efforts are supported by your generosity.

To this end, we are kicking off a fundraising campaign! From now until the end of the year, donors will be recognized and thanked as detailed here. As always, the Boylston Chess Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and all of your contributions are tax deductible.

Please also check with your employer to see if they have a matching program prior to donating.

Fundraising Campaign

Donate $50 or more

A Boylston branded mug, t-shirt, or tote bags
Choose your favorite swag.

Donate $100 or more

All of the Swag
Why choose one when you can have all three?

Donate $500 or more

Make Your Mark
Commemorate your support of the club with your name on the back of one of our attractive chairs.

Donate $1000 or more

In with the In-Crowd
In addition to everything above, receive exclusive invitations to monthly events including lectures, simuls, dinners, and tournaments.

Donate $3000 or more

Lifetime Membership
Receive lifetime membership (for you or a family member).

Donate $5000 or more

Lifetime Membership for the Whole Family
Now you don't have to pick your favorite family member - everyone receives a lifetime membership.

Donate $10000 or more

Memorial Tournament
Celebrate your legacy with an annual event at the club.

Donate $25000 or more

Your Money's No Good Here
We don't know what to say. Thank you. Receive free admission to any event or tournament forever.